Bible Teaching

Miracles: The Woman at the Well
Miracles Grace City Church Ottawa Miracles Grace City Church Ottawa

Miracles: The Woman at the Well

The story of the Samaritan woman at the well has many features that can be lost of on us, including just how despised Samaritans were by the Jews of Jesus’s day. With this in mind, the fact that Jesus chose to go through Samaria to for a divine conversation with the woman at the well is nothing less than a miracle itself, as is Jesus’s knowledge of key details in the woman’s life. She went to the well to gather water, Jesus went there to transform her life.

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Births and Birthright
Grace City Church Ottawa Grace City Church Ottawa

Births and Birthright

Neville Jones walks us through the story of Esau giving up his birthright over a bowl of soup. It seems like a bizarre story, but one that leads us to contemplate the way we as followers of Jesus are called to make decisions; based on knowing Jesus for who he is and seeing him in his Glory rather than giving in to our often misplaced desires.

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